



MLB Settles Trademark Dispute with Bygone Sports LLC Regarding Nationals' Trademark.

WASHINGTON, D.C, Mar 14, 2006 -- Major League Baseball has settled a lawsuit with a company that claimed ownership of the trademark "Washington Nationals.''

MLB spokesman Rich Levin said Tuesday, "The Washington Nationals have sole exclusive rights to the name Nationals.''

The retailing division of Major League Baseball sued Bygone Sports LLC in U.S. District Court in Manhattan in June alleging the trademark does not belong to Bygone Sports because its sole purpose in filing a trademark registration application was to capitalize on the naming of the team after its move from Montreal.

Bygone Sports answered with countercharges a month later, arguing that Major League Baseball failed to check to see if anyone else had rights to the name and that MLB could have challenged the original trademark application.

Opening arguments in the trial were scheduled for April 3, 2006, the opening day the National's regular season.

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